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OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress

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Registres trobats: 117

Títol A comparison of the anticarcinogenic properties of four red wine polyphenols
Autor SOLEAS, G.  
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section wine and health: current and future wine and health information: the issues in perspective- N: The current and future status of wine and health information, Pg: 283-293
Descriptors Propietats anticarcinogeniques Polifenols Vi negre
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol A comparison of intenet and in-store consumer behaviour
Autor STENING, S.  
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress and 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section vitivinicultural economy: addressing marketing issues from production to consumption- N: Economic analysis, Pg: 22-27
Descriptors Comer? electronic Comer? tradicional
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol AREV: Incidences sur le marche mondial du vi de l'adhesion des PECO l'Union Europeenne
Autor MUTH, R.  
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section vitivinicultural economy: addressing marketing issues from production to consumption- N: Economic analysis, Pg: 29-34
Descriptors Mercat mundial Unio Europea Vi
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol An evaluation of the technical performance of various types of wine bottle closure
Autor GODDEN, P.  
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section oenology: the evolution of oenological traditions to meet consumer needs and expectations- N: Oral presentations: quality assurance and product stability, Pg: 155-165
Descriptors Tap
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Aplicacion de las nuevas tecnologias de comunicaciones al sector: posibilidades y estrategias
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section vitinicultural economy: addressing marketing issues from prodution to consumption- N: Economic analysis, Pg: 55-62
Descriptors Tecnologia de la comunicacio Sector vitivinicola Estrategies de mercat Comunicacio
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Applicaiton de la Norme ISO 14001 aux caves
Autor ROCHARD, J.  
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section oenology: the evolution of oenological traditions to meet consumer needs and expectations - N: Oral presentations: ensuring consumer health and safety, Pg: 198-208
Descriptors ISO 14001 Cava
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Approaches in the study of bioabsorption of Resveratrol, a wine component: Interactions with proteins and cell uptake
Autor LATRUFFE, N.  
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section wine and health: current and future wine and health information: the issues in perspective- N: Responsible communication of wine and health information, Pg: 313-321
Descriptors Bioabsorcio Resveratrol Proteines Cel?lules
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Beneficial effect of red wine polyphenolic compounds in experimental hypertension
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section wine and health: current and future wine and health information: the issues in perspective- N: Responsible communication of wine and health information, Pg: 322-334
Descriptors Vi negre Compostos polifenolics Hipertensio Salut
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Biopreservation of wine with antimicrobial peptides
Autor DU TOIT, M.  
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section oenology: the evolution of oenological traditions to meet consumer needs and expectations- N: Oral presentations: quality assurance and product stability, Pg: 109-117
Descriptors Biopreservacio Peptids
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Biosensor technique: development of a bio-electrochemical fuel cell for fast determination of viability / activity of yeast starter cultures and fermentability of grape must
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section oenology: the evolution of oenological traditions to meet consumer needs and expectations- N: Oral presentations: physical processing and its impact on organoleptic characteristics, Pg: 32-39
Descriptors Biosensor Llevats Fermentacio Most
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Canopy management and its influence in quality and productions costs - Touriga Nacional
Autor QUEIROZ, J.  
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section viticulture: viticulture and the consumer- N: Poster presentations: sustainable practices, Pg: 371-379
Descriptors Sistema de distribucio Qualitat del producte Costos
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Capacidad real de produccion de tapones del sistema mundial corchero. Mercado 2000 y expectativas para 2015
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section oenology: the evolution of oenological traditions to meet consumer needs and expectations- N: Written presentations, Pg: 321-330
Descriptors Sector surer Tap de suro Mercat
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Caracterizacion de la estructura polifenolica de vinos tintos de tempranillo y garnacha de diferente tipologica cualitativa
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section oenology: the evolution of oenological traditions to meet consumer needs and expectations- N: Poster presentations: physical processing and its impact on organoleptic characteristics, Pg: 258-267
Descriptors Caracteritzacio Vi negre Estructura polifenolica Garnatxa Garnacha Tempranillo
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Changes in the regulation of oenological practices to meet consumer demands in our global society
Autor GREGAN, Ph  
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office Internationla de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section vitivinicultural economy: addressing marketing issues from production to consumption- N: Wine law, Pg: 161-167
Descriptors Practiques enologiques Regulacio Demanda Consumidor
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Consommation du vin et autres boissons rencontrees sur le marche Fran?ais
Autor CABIROL, J.L.  
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section vitivinicultural economy: addressing marketing issues from production to consumption- N: Poster presentations: market analysis, Pg: 230-238
Descriptors Vi Consum Fran?a
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Controlling contaminants from wine treatment agents
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section oenology: the evolution of oenological traditions to meet consumers needs and expectations- N: Oral presentations: ensuring consumer health and safety, Pg: 220-225
Descriptors Contaminants Vi Tractament del vi
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Convergencia metodologica en los estudios detallados y muy detallados de suelos aplicados a la microzonificacion viticola
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section viticulture: viticulture and the consumer- N: Oral presentations: sustainable practices, Pg: 234-249
Descriptors Sol Microzonificacio
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol DL- lactic acid production and /or degradation by wine yeast during alcoholic fermentation
Autor DELFINI, C.  
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section oenology: the evolution of oenological traditions to meet consumer needs and expectations- N: Oral presentations: physical processing and its impact on organoleptic characteritics, Pg: 40-47
Descriptors Acid lactic Llevats Fermentacio alcoholica
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Determining of ash quantity in wine by TGA method
Autor PETROVIC, A.  
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section viticulture: viticulture and the consumer- N: Poster presentations, Pg: 259-268
Descriptors Vi Cendra TGA
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Developing a method to measuer taste preferences of wine
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section vitivinicultural economy: addressing marketing issues from production to consumption- N: Market analysis, Pg: 91-102
Descriptors Vi Tast Preferencies
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Development of wine yeast strains with improved ester profiles
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section oenology: the evolution of oenological traditions to meet consumer needs and expectations- N: Poster presentations: physical processing and its impact on organoleptic characteristics, Pg: 290-301
Descriptors Vi Llevats
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Diferencias de composicion fenolica y color en vinos tintos elaborados con distintos clones
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section viticulture: viticulture and the consumer- N: Poster presentations: flavour development and vineyard management practices, Pg: 323-332
Descriptors Composicio fenolica Color Clons
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Differents marches du Sud-Est Asiatique: perspectives
Autor CABIROL, J.L.  
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section vitivinicultural economy: addressing marketing issues from production to consumption- N: Poster presentations: economic analysis, Pg: 204-216
Descriptors Vitivinicultura Economia Mercat Sud est asiatic Asia
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Efecto de la programacion deficitaria del riego sobre el rendimiento cuantitativo de la vid en zonas semiaridas
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress and 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section viticulture: viticulture and the consumer- N: Oral presentations: benefits and risks of alternative viticultural practices, Pg: 11-20
Descriptors Reg Programacio deficitaria Rendiment quantitatiu Vinya Zones semiarides
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Efectos de dosis teh Thidiazuron en las caracteristicas de los racimos de uvas de las variedades Centennial Seedles y Venus
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section viticulture: viticulture and the consumer- N: Poster presentations:benefits and risks of alternative viticultural practices, Pg: 280-291
Descriptors Thidiazuron Raim Centennial Seedles Venus
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Effect du passerillage du raisin sur le vin : premiers resultats des essais au Bresil
Autor MIELE, A.  
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section viticulture: viticulture and the consumer- N: Oral presentations: flavour development and vineyard management practices, Pg: 119-127
Descriptors Raim Brasil
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Effect of Chardonnay white wine enriched in polyphenols on diabetic rats models
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section wine and health: current and future wine and health information: the issues in perspective- N: The current and future status of wine and health information, Pg: 304-312
Descriptors Chardonnay Vi blanc Polifenols Diabetics
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Effect of grape variety, climate and some cultural practices on trans-resveratrol levels
Autor FREGONI, M.  
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section viticulture: viticulture and the consumer- N: Oral presentations: flavour development and vineyards management practices, Pg: 92-104
Descriptors Varietats de raim Clima Trans-resveratrol
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Effect of potash fertilizer on the growth yield and quality parameters of table grapes
Autor BHAKARE, B.  
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section viticulture: viticulture and the consumer- N: Poster presentations: flavour development and vineyard management practices, Pg: 310-314
Descriptors Fertilitzant Llevats Parametres de qualitat Raim de taula Qualitat
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Effect of pre-and/ or post fermentation addition of antioxidants like ascorbic acid or glutathione on fermentation, formation of volatile sulfur compounds and other substances causing off-flavours in wine
Autor RAUHUT, D.  
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section oenology: the evolution of oenological traditions to meet consumer needs and expectations- N: Oral presentations: physical processing and its impact on organoleptic characteristics, Pg: 76-82
Descriptors Fermentacio Antioxidant Acid ascorbic Compostos volatils
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Effecto of NaC1 and Na2SO4 saline environment on growth attributes of different grape genotypes
Autor TAMBE, T.B.  
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section viticulture: viticulture and the consumer- N: Poster presentations: sustainable practices, Pg: 403-414
Descriptors NaC1 Na2SO4 Raim Creixement
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Effects of inhibitors and microbial growth, studied by calorimetry, (II) Discrimination between bacteriostatic and bactericidal effects of inhibitors on the growth of microorganisms
Autor ANTOCE, O.A.  
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section oenology: the evolution of oenological traditions to meet the consumer needs and expectations- N: Oral presentations: quality assurance and product stability, Pg: 102-108
Descriptors Inhibidor Calorimetria Microorganismes
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Effects of ripening on the grape berry composition of vitis vinifera cv. Welsh riesling in Slovenian vineyards
Autor KOSMERL, T.  
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section viticulture: viticulture and the consumer- N: Poster presentations: flavour development and vineyard management practices, Pg: 315-322
Descriptors Podridura Vitis vinifera Welsh Eslovenia
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Effet du site, de la maturite et de l'eclairement des grappes sur la composition aromatique des baies de Vitis Vinifera L. cv. Melon B. dans le vignoble du Muscadet
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section viticulture: viticulture and the consumer- N: Oral presentations: flavour development and vineyard management practices, Pg: 128-138
Descriptors Maduracio Composicio aromatica Vitis vinifera L. Melon B. Muscadet
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Effets de differents levures oenologiques sur le profil sensoriel des vins rouges. Mise en relation avec les attentes des consommateurs
Autor DELTEIL, D.  
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section oenology: the evolution of oenological traditions to meet consumer needs and expectations- N: Oral presentations: physical processing and its impact on organoleptic characteritics, Pg: 13-21
Descriptors Llevats enologics Caracteristiques sensorials Consumidor
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Effets de differents moments d'inoculation en bacteries lactiques sur les profils des vins rouges Mediterraneens
Autor DELTEIL, D.  
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section oenology: the evolution of oenological traditions to meet consumer needs and expectations- N: Poster presentations: physical processing and its impact on organoleptic characteristics, Pg: 268-273
Descriptors Inoculacio Bacteris lactis Vi negre Mediterrani
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol El embotellado en la region de produccion como elemento de proteccion de las caracteristicas de los vinos de denominacion de origen. El caso de la Denominacion de Origen Calificada Rioja
Autor LEZA, L.  
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International d ela vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section vitivinicultural economy: addressing marketing issues from production to consumption- N: Wine law, Pg: 168-171
Descriptors Embotellament Caracteristiques del vi Denominacio d'origen Rioja DOQ
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol El vino y sus principales competidores en el mercado global
Autor ALBISU, L.M.  
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section vitivinicultural economy: addressing marketing issues from production to consumption- N: Market analysis, Pg: 63-71
Descriptors Mercat mundial Mercat Competidors Vi
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Estudio de maduracion de uvas tintas en la D.O. Ribera del Duero
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress &81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section Viticulture: viticulture and the consumer- N: Oral presentations: flavour development and vineyards management practices, Pg: 56-65
Descriptors Raim negre Maduracio Ribera del Duero DO Denominacio d'origen
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Etude approfondie de la maduration du cepage Gamay
Autor BERGER, J.L.  
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section viticulture: viticulture and the consumer- N: Oral presentations: flavour development and vineyard management practices, Pg: 78-91
Descriptors Maduracio Vinya Gamay
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Etude de la response des consommateurs Fran?ais et Britanniques a differents itineraires techniques d'elaboration des vins rouges
Autor DELTEIL, D.  
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section vitivinicultural economy: addressing marketing issues from production to consumption- N: Market analysis, Pg: 114-119
Descriptors Consumidor Fran?a Gran Bretanya Vi negre Vinificacio
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Evaluation d'une alternative nutitionnelle pour les levures
Autor ROSIER, J.P.  
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section oenology: the evolution of oenological traditions to meet consumer needs and expectations- N: Oral presentations: physical processing and its impact on organoleptic characteristics, Pg: 22-31
Descriptors Nutricio Llevats
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Evolucion de la calidad del corcho en el periodo
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section oenology: the evolution of oenological traditions to meet consumer needs and expectations- N: Oral presentations:quality assurance and product stability, Pg: 136-146
Descriptors Suro Qualitat
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Evolucion de las caracteristicas de la uva durante la maduracion en funcion de la produccion/cepa
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section viticulture: viticulture and the consumer- N: Oral presentations: flavour development and vineyard management practices, Pg: 66-77
Descriptors Raim Maduracio Vinya Produccio
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Fermentation with Saccharomyces bayanus and Candida stellata yeast can increase the aroma diversity of wine
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section oenology: the evolution of oenological traditions to meet consumer needs and expectations- N: Oral presentations: quality assurance and product stability, Pg: 84-94
Descriptors Fermentacio Saccharomyces bayanus Candida stellata Aroma Vi
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Generation X: evolution of alcohol consumption behaviour and alcohol beverages preferences
Autor HOFFMAN, D.  
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section vitivinicultural economy: addressing marketing issues from production to consumption- N: Market analysis, Pg: 125-133
Descriptors Generacio X Consum d'alcohol Begudes alcoholiques
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Identification of the grape variety in red wine by means of the anthocyanine composition
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section oenology: the evolution of oenological traditions to meet consumer needs and expectations- N: Oral presentations: ensuring consumer health and safety, Pg: 181-191
Descriptors Varietats de raim Raim negre Antocianins
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Impact of N- and S-Fertilization of grapes vines on the concentration of the antioxidant glutathyione in leaves and berries
Autor RAUHUT, D.  
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section viticulture: viticulture and the consumer- N: Oral presentations: benefits and risks of alternative viticultural practices, Pg: 21-27
Descriptors Fertilitzacio Vinya Raim Antioxidant Nitrogen Sofre
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Impact of grape processing on wine quality
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section oenology: the evolution of oenological traditions to meet consumer needs and expectations- N: Oral presentations: physical processing and its impact on organoleptic characteristics, Pg: 59-64
Descriptors Vinificacio Qualitat del vi
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Importance de l'humidite du sol sur les equilibres vegetatifs et productifs des vignes et sur la qualite sensorielle des vins
Autor CALO, A.  
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section viticulture: viticulture and the consumer- N: Oral presentations: flavour development and vineyard management practices, Pg: 153-162
Descriptors Humitat Sol Equilibri vegetatiu Qualitat sensorial del vi
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Influence de l'enroulement foliaire GLRaV 3 sur les parametres de la production du merlot
Autor BORGO, M.  
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assemby of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section viticulture: viticulture and the consumer- N: Oral presentations: sustainable practices, Pg: 188-198
Descriptors Merlot GLRaV 3
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Influence de la concentration des distribuiteurs Europeens sur la filiere viticole
Autor VILLARET, J.  
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section vitivinicultural economy: addressing marketing issues from production to consumption- N: Economic analysis, Pg: 35-46
Descriptors Distribuidors Mercat europeu
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Influence of the cultivar-environment internation on sensoriel quality of wines in Italy
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section viticulture: viticulture and the consumer- N: Oral practices: flavour development and vineyarda management practices, Pg: 163-174
Descriptors Cultiu Qualitat sensorial del vi Italia
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Influence production of interspecies varieties grapes on organism animals
Autor SIYAN, I.  
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section viticulture: viticulture and the consumer- N: 2001, Pg: 422-
Descriptors Varietats de ra?m Noves varietats Organismes animals
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Ingestion of cognac significantly increases plasma phenolic and ellagic acid concentrations and plasma antioxidant capacity in humans
Autor DURIEZ, P  
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section wine and health: current and future wine and health information: the issues in perspective- N: Poster presentations: responsible communication of wine and health information, Pg: 358-369
Descriptors Conyac Cognac Consum Plasma fenolic Plasma antioxidant Salut
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Integrated production of wine (IPW)- the South African system as benchmark to set global standards for protection of the consumer and the environment
Autor TROMP, A.  
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section oenology: the evolution of oenological traditions to meet consumer needs and expectations- N: Oral presentations: ensuring consumer health and safety, Pg: 209-219
Descriptors Produccio integrada Sud Africa Benchmark Africa del sud
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Investigation of effect of rootstocks on Thompson seedless and Tas-A-Ganesh table grapes
Autor TAMBE, T.B.  
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section viticulture: viticulture and the consumer- N: Poster presentations: flavour develpment and vineyard management practices, Pg: 350-359
Descriptors Portaempelt Thompson seedless Raim de taula
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Investigation of the trans 2-hexenal content in leaves of gravepines during the vegetation period
Autor SAJBIDOR, J.  
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section viticulture: viticulture and the consumer- N: Poster presentations: flavour development and vineyard management practices, Pg: 344-349
Descriptors Trans 2-hexenal Fulles Periode vegetatiu
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol L'hygiene en oenologie, una etape particuliere: l'entretien des barriques
Autor LECOMTE, S.  
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vi - October 2001 - V: Section oenology: the evolution of oenological traditions to meet consumer needs and expectations- N: Oral presentations : quality assurance and product stability, Pg: 95-101
Descriptors Enologia Higiene Barriques
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol La OCM del vino en Europa y los intercambios mundiales
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section vitivinicultural economy: addressing marketing issues from production to consumption- N: Poster presentations: economic analysis, Pg: 217-229
Descriptors OCM Espanya Vi Organitzacio comuna de mercat
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol La concentracion parcial de mostos aplicada a la correccion de defectos de madurez
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section oenology: the evolution of oenological traditions to meet consumer needs and expectations- N: Poster presentations: physical processing and its impact on organoleptic characteristics, Pg: 280-289
Descriptors Concentracio parcial Most Defectes de maduracio
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol La cubierta vegetal del vi?edo como elemento clave en la vertebracion territorial de Castilla La Mancha, Espa?a
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section viticulture: viticulture and the consumer- N: Poster presentations: sustainable practices, Pg: 360-370
Descriptors Coberta vegetal Castella - la Manxa Castilla la Mancha
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol La extraccion de antocianinas durante la vinificacion en tinto. Implicaciones en la utilitzacion de esas moleculas como herramienta
Autor REVILLA, E.  
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section Oenology: the evolution of oenological traditions to meet consumer needs and expectations- N: Oral presentations: quality assurance and product stability, Pg: 172-180
Descriptors Extraccio Antocianines Vinificacio Vi negre Molecules
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol La fraude et la protection de l'integrite du fournisseur
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section vitivinicultural economy: addressing marketin issues from production to consumption- N: Wine law, Pg: 172-175
Descriptors Frau Vi Legislacio
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol La quatrieme periode evolutive de la vitiviniculture Bresilienne: changements dans le marche consommateur du pays
Autor TONIETTO, J.  
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section vitivinicultural economy: addressing marketing issues from production to consumption- N: Poster presentations: market analysis, Pg: 272-282
Descriptors Vitivinicultura Brasil
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Las nuevas tendencias del consumo del vino en Castilla la Mancha
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section vitivinicultural economy: addressing marketing issues from production to consumption- N: Poster presentations: market analysis, Pg: 250-261
Descriptors Vi Consum Castella - la Manxa Castilla la Mancha
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Le comportement des certain cepages rouges sur differents port-greffes dans l'ecosysteme viticole du vignoble odobesti
Autor VARGA, N.V.  
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section viticulture: viticulture and the consumer- N: Poster presentations: benefits and risks of alternative viticultural practices, Pg: 300-309
Descriptors Raim negre Portaempelt Ecosistema viticola Odobesi
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Le controle de la qualite des vins concernant leur securite alimentaire
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section oenology:the evolution of oenological traditions to meet consumer needs and expectations- N: Oral presentations: ensuring consumers health and safety, Pg: 192-197
Descriptors Qualitat del vi Seguretat alimentaria
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Le plomb et le cadmium aux a?ores: du sol au vin
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section oenology: the evolution of oenological traditions to meet consumer needs and expectations- N: Oral presentations: ensuring consumer health and safety, Pg: 240-249
Descriptors Plom Cadmi Sol Vinya
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Le rin?age des pulverisateurs viticoles
Autor ROCHARD, J.  
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section viticulture: viticulture and the consumer- N: Poster presentations: sustainable practices, Pg: 380-402
Descriptors Pulveritzadors viticoles
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Les differentes formes de presentaiton du produit au consommateur
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section vitivinicultural economy: addressing marketing issues from production to consumption- N: Marketing analysis, Pg: 85-90
Descriptors Vi Marqueting
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Les dispositions de la legislation relative aux boissons spiritueuses d'origen viti-vinicole dans l'union Europeenne pour minimiser ou exclure les pratiques frauduleuses
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section vitivinicultural economy: addressing marketing issues from production to consumption- N: Wine law, Pg: 177-184
Descriptors Legislacio Sector vitivinicola Vi espirituos Unio Europea
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Les nouvelles techniques moleculaires application a la characterisation des cepages dans les vins
Autor MERLE, M.H.  
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section oenologye: the evolution of oenological traditions to meet consumer needs and expectations- N: Oral presentations: quality assurance and product stability, Pg: 166-171
Descriptors Tecniques moleculars Caractertizacio de la vinya Caracteritzacio del vi
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Limitation et optimisation des ajouts de SO2 pendant les phases prefermentaires et pendant l'elevage des vins blancs pour repondre aux attentes sanitaires et hedoniques des consommateurs
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section oenology: the evolution of oenological tradicions to meet consumer needs and expectations- N: Poster presentations: physical processing and its impacts on organoleptic characteristics, Pg: 250-257
Descriptors SO2 Prefermentacio Vi blanc
Localització 63.48:663.2 CON

Títol Maintenance of genetic resources and their evaluation for viticultural important traits
Autor EIBACH, R.  
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section viticulture: viticulture and the consumer- N: Oral presentations: sustainable practices, Pg: 199-204
Descriptors Recursos genetics Viticultura
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Maitrise des contaminants dans les vins: cas de l'ochratoxine A
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section oenology: the evolution of oenological traditions to meet consumer needs and expectations- N: Ensuring consumer health and safety, Pg: 313-319
Descriptors Vi Contaminants Ocratoxina A
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Managing wastewater, solid waste, noise and air pollution at wine cellars
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section viticulture: viticulture and the consumer- N: Poster presentations: systems documentation, Pg: 415-421
Descriptors Gestio Desaprofitament de l'aigua Soroll Pol?lucio Residus Efluents
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Manipulation of volatil phenol concentrations in wine through expressing various phenolic acid decarboxylase genes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section oenology: the evolution of oenological traditions to meet consumer needs and expectations- N: Poster presentations: physical processing and its impact on organoleptic characteristics, Pg: 302-312
Descriptors Compostos volatils Fenols
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Measuring grape and wine colour and glycosyl-glucose to predict wine sensory properties
Autor ILAND, P.  
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section oenology: the evolution of oenological traditions to meet consumer needs and expectations- N: Oral presentations: physical processing and its impact on organoleptic characteristics, Pg: 83
Descriptors Raim Vi Color Propietats sensorials
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Mejoramiento del cultivar Malbec en Argentina para la obtencion de vinos de gran tipicidad
Autor SCARSI, H.  
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section viticulture: viticulture and the consumer- N: Poster presentations, Pg: 269-279
Descriptors Malbec Argentina Vi Tipicitat
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Modelling nitrate formation and movement in vineyards soils- a contribution to a more sustainable viticulture
Autor SCHALLER, K.  
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section viticulture: viticulture and the consumer- N: Oral presentations: sustainable practices, Pg: 250-258
Descriptors Nitrat Sol Viticultura sostenible
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol New viticultural productive model research in latium relating to the consumer's challenge
Autor SPERA, G.  
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section viticulture: viticulture and the consumer- N: Poster presentations: benefits and risks of alternative viticultural practices, Pg: 292-299
Descriptors Viticultura Produccio Consumidor
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Nueva alternativa para la filtracion de vinos estabilizados por frio
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section oenology: the evolution of oenological traditions to meet consumer needs and expectations- N: Oral presentations: quality assurance and product stability, Pg: 126-135
Descriptors Filtracio Estabilitzacio per fred Fred
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Oenoclimatic characterizatoin of the viticultural regions and centres from Romania
Autor POPA, D.  
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section viticulture: viticulture and the consumer- N: Oral presentations: benefits and risks of alternative viticultural practices, Pg: 36-45
Descriptors Enologia Clima Romania
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Parallel imports in the EEA
Autor STRANG, D.  
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section vitivinicultural economy: addressing marketing issues from production to consumption- N: Wine law, Pg: 185-198
Descriptors Importacio EEA
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Patterns of wine consumption: what is the relationship between consumption habits of 18-24 year old consumers and other age segments?
Autor WILSON, D.  
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section vitivinicultural economy: addressing marketing issues from production to consumption- N: Market analysis, Pg: 134-140
Descriptors Comportament del consumidor Segments de poblacio
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Phenolic compounds in red wine and dealcoholised red wine are protective against the DNA damaging effect of ironising radiation ex vivo
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section wine and health: current and future wine and health information: the issues in perspective- N: The current and future status of wine and health information, Pg: 294-295
Descriptors Compostos fenolics Vi negre
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Potential cardiprotective activities of wine based on synergistic interaction with vitamin E
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section wine and health: current and future wine and health information: the issues in perspective- N: Poster presentations: the current and future status of wine and health information, Pg: 354-357
Descriptors Vi Malalties cardiovasculars Vitamina E Salut
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Practical environmental management in the South Africn wine industry
Autor HAYWARD, N.  
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section viticulture: viticulture and the consumer- N: Oral presentations: sustainable practices, Pg: 223-233
Descriptors Gestio del mediambient Sud Africa Industria vinicola Africa del sud
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Productividad de variedades de uvas de mesa sobre diferentes portainjertos en Brasil
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section viticulture: viticulture and the consumer- N: Poster presentations: flavour development and vineyard management practices, Pg: 333-343
Descriptors Productivitat Raim de taula Portaempelt Brasil
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Propuesta de ponencia: estrategias de mercado para el desarrollo del sector co-operativa vitivinicola del Ribatejo
Autor FE DE PINHO, L.M.  
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section vitivinicultural economy: addressing marketing issues from production to consumption- N: Poster presentations: market analysis, Pg: 239-249
Descriptors Sector vitivinicola Cooperativa Ribatejo
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Proyecto para la gestion integral del sector vitivinicola en Castilla La Mancha
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section viticulture: viticulture and the consumer- N: Oral presentations: sustainable practices, Pg: 214-222
Descriptors Gestio integral Sector vitivinicola Castella - la Manxa Castilla la Mancha
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Quality and labour process in wine-grapes production
Autor CANADAS, M.J.  
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section viticulture: viticulture and the consumer- N: Oral presentations: sustainable practices, Pg: 205-213
Descriptors Qualitat Cultiu Vinya Raim Produccio
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Radioactivity concentration and the ground-vine-wine chain
Autor SPERA, G.  
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section oenology: the evolution of oenological traditions to meet consumers needs and expectations- N: Oral presentations: ensuring consumer health and safety, Pg: 226-230
Descriptors Concentracio radioactiva Vinya Vi
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Regional competencies and global trends in firm concentration within the wine industry
Autor SPAWTON, T.  
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section vitinicultural economy: addressing marketing issues from production to consumption- N: Poster presentations: market analysis, Pg: 262-271
Descriptors Competencies regionals Industria vitivinicola
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Relationship between suply, demand and winegrape price and assessing future consumer demand
Autor STANFORD, L.  
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section vitivinicultural economy: addressing marketing issues from production to consumption- N: Market analysis, Pg: 103-113
Descriptors Distribucio Demanda Preu Mercat vitivinicola Consumidor
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Role of soil physical properties, climate and harvest period on must composition, wine type and flavour (Vitis vinifera L. cv. chenin)
Autor BARBEAU, G.  
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section viticulture: viticulture and the consumer- N: Oral presentations: flavour development and vineyard management practices, Pg: 105-118
Descriptors Sol Clima Most Sabor Vi
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Saccharomyces paradoxus - new species in oenology
Autor ORLIC, S.  
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section oenology: the evolution of oenological traditions to meet consumer needs and expectations- N: Oral presentations: physical processing and its impact on organoleptic characteristics, Pg: 1-12
Descriptors Saccharomyces paradoxus Enologia
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Salinity effects on vines and wines
Autor WALKER, R.  
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section viticulture: viticulture and the consumer- N: Oral presentations: flavour development and vineyard management practices, Pg: 175-187
Descriptors Salinitat Vinya Vi
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Study of enological behaviour of different yeasts involved in the sherry wines aging process: ethanol tolerance, karyotype stability and activity of specific enzymes
Autor CANTORAL, J.M.  
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section oenology: the evolution of oenological traditions to meet consumer needs and expectations- N: Oral presentations: physical processing and its impact on organoleptic characteristics, Pg: 48-58
Descriptors Comportament enologic Llevats Crian?a Etanol Enzims
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Suivi de la maturite des raisins par analyse sensorielle descriptive quantifiee des baies. Relation avec les profils sensoriels des vins et les attentes des consommateurs
Autor ROUSSEAU, J.  
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section viticulture: viticulture and the consumer- N: Oral presentations: flavour development and vineyard management practices, Pg: 46-55
Descriptors Raim Maduracio del ra?m Analisi sensorial descriptiva
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol The carioprotective effect of wine on human blood chemistry
Autor VAN VELDEN, D.  
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section wine and health: current and future wine and health information: the issues in perspective- N: Poster presentations: responsible communication of wine and health information, Pg: 370-
Descriptors Vi Efecte cardioprotector Quimica de la sang Salut
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol The differenctiation of wine distribution channels, wine products and wine consumers in the Hungarian wine market
Autor BOTOS, P.  
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress and 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section vitivinicultural economy: addressing marketing issues from production to consumption- N: Market analysis, Pg: 120-124
Descriptors Canals de distribucio Vi Consumidor Hongria Mercat
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol The diversity of Asian wine markets: and Australian and Chilean perspective
Autor LOCKSHIN, L.  
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress and 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section vitivinicultural economy: addressing marketing issues from production to consumption- N: Economic analysis, Pg: 13-21
Descriptors Asia Mercat Viticultura
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol The e-Verde portal- puttin the Vinho Verde circuit on the web, from vineyards to consumers
Autor REIS, J.L.  
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section vitivinicultural economy: addressing marketing issues from production to consumption- N: Wine law, Pg: 199-203
Descriptors Vi Portugal Comer? electronic Marqueting
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol The in vivo antithrombotic effecto of moderate and regular wine consumption on human blood platelets and haemostatic factors
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section wine and health: current and future wine and health information: the issues in perspective- N: The current and future status of wine and health information, Pg: 296-303
Descriptors Efecte antitrombotic In vivo Plaquetes Sang Vi Salut Consum
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol The influence of various process parameters and juice extraction technologies on the composition of ingredients which determine the value of red wines in thermovinification
Autor HUHN, T.  
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section oenology: the evolution of oenological traditions to meet consumer needs and expectations- N: Oral presentations:physical processing and its impact on organoleptic characteristics, Pg: 65-75
Descriptors Extraccio del most Termovinificacio
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol The interaction between vintage, vineyard site (mesoclimate) and wine aroma of Vitis vinifera L. cvs. Sauvignon blanc, Chardonnay and Cabernet Sauvignon in the Stellenbosch-Klein Drakenstein wine growing area, South Africa (1996-2000)
Autor CAREY, V.  
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section viticulture: viticulture and the consumer- N: Oral presentations: flavour develpment and vineyard management practices, Pg: 139-152
Descriptors Vinya Clima Aroma Vitis vinifera Sauvignon blanc Chardonnay Cabernet sauvignon Sud Africa Africa del sud
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol The monitoring of the spreading of commercial wine yeasts in the vineyard
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section oenology: the evolution of oenological traditions to meet consumer needs and expectations- N: Oral presentations: ensuring consumer health and safety, Pg: 231-239
Descriptors Llevats Comer? Vinya
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol The role of health research and the responsible communication of such research in developing polices and strategies to target alcohol abuse
Autor SUTTON, I  
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section wine and health: current and future wine and health information: the issues in perspective- N: Responsible communication of wine and health information, Pg: 342-353
Descriptors Consum d'alcohol Salut Politica preventiva
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol The use of alternative plastic stoppers for wine-physical behaviour and closure quality
Autor JUNG, R.  
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section oenology: the evolution of oenological traditions to meet consumer needs and expectations- N: Oral presentations: quality assurance and product stability, Pg: 147-154
Descriptors Tap de plastic Qualitat del vi
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol The world wine market in 2005: effects of faster Asian demand growth and innovations in distribution
Autor ANDERSON, K.  
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section vitvinicultural economy: addressing marketing issues from production to consumption- N: Economic analysis, Pg: 1-12
Descriptors Vi Mercat mundial Asia Distribucio
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Towards sustainability in Australia viticulture, research, development and implementation
Autor GLENN, D.  
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section viticulture: viticulture and the consumer- N: Oral presentations: benefits and risks of alternative viticultural practices, Pg: 28-35
Descriptors Australia Viticultura Sostenibilitat
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Wine bottling and small size cellars as an answer to the consumer taste changes
Autor SORBINI,M.  
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section vitivinicultural economy: addressing marketing issues from production to consumption- N: Market analysis, Pg: 72-84
Descriptors Cellers petits Embotellament Consumidor
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Wine law- an Australian perspective
Autor GUY, S.  
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section vitivinicultural econmy: addressing marketing issues from production to consumption- N: Wine law, Pg: 155-160
Descriptors Vi Legislacio Australia
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Wine treatment with copper citrate- a new careful way to eliminate hydrogen sulphide odours and similar sulphide off-odours in wine
Autor GOERTGES, S.  
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section oenology: the evolution of oenological traditions to meet consumer needs and expectations- N: Poster presentations: physical processing and its impact on organoleptic characteristics, Pg: 274-279
Descriptors Sulfid d'hidrogen Olor Aroma
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol role des mannoproteines de levures vis a vis de la stabilisation tartrique des vins
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section oenology: the evolution of oenological tradition to meet consumer needs and expectations- N: Oral presentations: quality assurance and product stability, Pg: 118-125
Descriptors Mannoproteines Llevats Estabilitzacio tartarica
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON