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Registres trobats: 5

Títol Bockserbildung und/oder untipischer Alterungston: eine mogliche Differenzierung
Autor RAUHUT, D.   KURBEL, H.  
Dades Font 13th International Enology Symposium - June 2002 - V: - N: , Pg: 371-382
Descriptors Envelliment accelerat Aroma Edat atipica Defectes del vi
Localització 663.2 SYM

Títol Effect of pre-and/ or post fermentation addition of antioxidants like ascorbic acid or glutathione on fermentation, formation of volatile sulfur compounds and other substances causing off-flavours in wine
Autor RAUHUT, D.  
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section oenology: the evolution of oenological traditions to meet consumer needs and expectations- N: Oral presentations: physical processing and its impact on organoleptic characteristics, Pg: 76-82
Descriptors Fermentacio Antioxidant Acid ascorbic Compostos volatils
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Impact of N- and S-Fertilization of grapes vines on the concentration of the antioxidant glutathyione in leaves and berries
Autor RAUHUT, D.  
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section viticulture: viticulture and the consumer- N: Oral presentations: benefits and risks of alternative viticultural practices, Pg: 21-27
Descriptors Fertilitzacio Vinya Raim Antioxidant Nitrogen Sofre
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Influence of nitrogen supply in the grape must on the fermentation capacity and the quality of wine
Dades Font Proceedings of the XXV International Horticultural Cogress - August 1998 - V: - N: 512 Acta Horticulturae, Pg: 93-100
Descriptors Saccharomyces cerevisiae Aminoacid Nutricio Compostos sulfurosos Vi Llevats
Localització 634.807 INT

Títol Pulsed flame photometric detector: a modern tool for analysis of low volatile sulfur compounds in wine.
Dades Font Slovakia Viticulture and Viniculture Congress Proceedings - June 2002 - V: Section 2: Oenology. Scientific and practical aspects of wine quality- N: , Pg: cd-rom
Descriptors Fotometria de flama Compostos volatils Vi
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON (Cd-rom)