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Registres trobats: 5

Títol A model that links growth and secondary metabolite production in plant cell suspension culture
Dades Font Biotechnology and bioengineering ISSN: 0006-3592 VOL 46 - 1995 - V: - N: 3, Pg: 291-297
Descriptors Metabolite Produccio Cel?lules
Localització C 10/71

Títol Approaches in the study of bioabsorption of Resveratrol, a wine component: Interactions with proteins and cell uptake
Autor LATRUFFE, N.  
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section wine and health: current and future wine and health information: the issues in perspective- N: Responsible communication of wine and health information, Pg: 313-321
Descriptors Bioabsorcio Resveratrol Proteines Cel?lules
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Cryobiology: the freezing of biological systems
Autor MAZUR, P  
Dades Font Science ISSN: 0036-8075 - May 1970 - V: 168- N: , Pg: 939-949
Descriptors Criobiologia Congelacio Cel?lules
Localització C 1/97

Títol Cryopreservation and the maintenance of cell lines
Autor GROUT, B   MORRIS, J.   McLELLAN, M.  
Dades Font Trends in Biotechnology ISSN: 0167-9430 - October 1990 - V: 8- N: , Pg: 293-297
Descriptors Criopreservacio Cel?lules
Localització C 1/96

Títol Effects of cell concentration of bacteria starter cultures, the time of their inoculation and the supply with fermentation aids on the quality of the malolactic fermentations
Dades Font Slovakia Viticulture and Viniculture Congress Proceedings - June 2002 - V: Section 2: Oenology. Scientific and practical aspects of wine quality- N: , Pg: cd-rom
Descriptors Concentracio Cel?lules Bacteris Inoculacio Fermentacio Fermentacio malolactica
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON (Cd-rom)