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Registres trobats: 4

Títol Observaciones en torno a las lias esponjosas
Autor RUIZ, M.  
Dades Font La Setmana Vitivinicola ISSN: 0037-184X - Junio 2011 - V: - N: 3353, Pg: 1046-1048
Descriptors Lies Decantacio Fermentacio Sedimentacio Microbiologia Brettanomyces Saccharomyces

Títol Quality improvement in winemaking by means of sediment-poor must production and efficient sediment removal in wine development via centrifugal separation
Dades Font International Association of Enology, Management and Wine Marketing. 14 International Enology Symposium - May 2005 - V: - N: , Pg: 99-113
Descriptors Vi Sedimentacio Sediment Separacio Centrifugacio

Títol The importance of cloud and sediment management in winemaking
Autor HUHN, T. et al.  
Dades Font International Association of Enology, Management and Wine Marketing. 14 International Enology Symposium - May 2005 - V: - N: , Pg: 79-95
Descriptors Congressos Vi grec Produccio vitivinicola Sedimentacio Elaboracio de vi Tecniques de vinificacio

Títol Traitement biologique des effluents vinicoles par stockage aere
Autor KERNER, S. et al.  
Dades Font Journal International des sciences de la vigne du vin ISSN: 1151-0285 - - V: Numero Hors Serie- N: Effluents viti-vinicoles, Pg: 40-42
Descriptors Tractament biologic Efluents vinicoles Decantacio Sedimentacio