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Registres trobats: 2

Títol Malolactic fermentation, more than just the conversation of malic acid to lactic acid
Autor KRIEGER, S.A.  
Dades Font International Association of Enology, Management and Wine Marketing. 14 International Enology Symposium - May 2005 - V: - N: , Pg: 575-587
Descriptors Fermentacio malolactica Acid lactic Acid malic

Títol Starter cultures for the malolactic fermentation time of inoculation
Autor KRIEGER, S.A.  
Dades Font 13th International Enology Symposium - June 2002 - V: - N: , Pg: 77-91
Descriptors Fermentacio malolactica Inoculacio Vinificacio
Localització 663.2 SYM