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Proceeding of sixth australian wine industry technical conference

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Registres trobats: 2

Títol Grape flavour - a review of some pre and postharvest influences
Autor WILLIAMS, P.J. et al.  
Dades Font Proceeding of sixth australian wine industry technical conference - July 1986 - V: - N: , Pg: 111-116
Descriptors Raim Gust Sabor Precollita Postcollita
Localització C 20/16

Títol Influence of yield manipulations on the terpene content of juices and wines of Muller Thurgau
Autor ESCHENBRUCH, R. et al.  
Dades Font Proceeding of sixth australian wine industry technical conference - July 1986 - V: - N: , Pg: 89-93
Descriptors Llevats Terpens Contingut Most Vi Muller Thurgau
Localització C 20/15