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Registres trobats: 3

Títol Effect of hygromycin, kanamycin and phosphinothricin on the embryogenic callus development and axillary micropropagation of vitis vinifera L.
Dades Font Proceedings of the seventh international symposium on Grapevine Genetics and Breeding ISSN: 0567-7572 - July 1998 - V: 1- N: , Pg: 401-406
Descriptors Vitis vinifera Agents selectius Embriogenesi Micropropagacio Transformacio genetica
Localització 634.804 INT

Títol Regulation of anthocyanin synthesis in carrot suspension cultured cells
Autor OZEKI, Y.  
Dades Font Journal of Plant Reserch - 1996 - V: - N: 1095, Pg: 343-351
Descriptors Pastanaga Cultiu de cel.lules Antocianines Sintasa de chalcone Amonialiasa de fenilalanina Embriogenesi Acid 2,4-diclorofenoxiacetic
Localització C 10/98

Títol Transgenic grapevine plants (Vitis vinifera L.) produced by selecting secondary embryos after cocultivation of embryogenic callus with agrobacterium tumefaciens
Autor HOSHINO, Y.   ZHU, Y.M.   MII, ,   NAKANO, M.   TAKAHASHI, E.  
Dades Font Proceedings of the seventh international symposium on Grapevine Genetics and Breeding ISSN: 0567-7572 - July 1998 - V: 1- N: , Pg: 361-366
Descriptors Embriogenesi Kanamicin Transformacio Beta-glucoronidasa
Localització 634.804 INT