Database: ENOVIT

1. Introduction

2. Instructions for searching
    2.1. Search by AUTHOR
    2.2. Search by TITLE
    2.3. Truncation
    Advanced search

3. Search screen


Enovit is a bibliographic database in the fields of viticulture, enology, food industry, agrofood industry and other related subjects.

It originates in 1992 to provide bibliographic searches to Faculty of Enology's users and to take advantage of publications.

At the moment it contains 7000 records, these include bibliographic references of some journals that Faculty's library receives (articles of journals, instruction booklets, etc.). You can find a lot of regional and state information.

Every record includes the following fields: author, title (article or document), title journal, publication year, volume, issue and keywords in catalan.


First of all go to the search screen and write the word into the box search. Database makes a exhaustive search into the title and keywords fields.

We recommend you use catalan for keywords so they are introduced in catalan. The rest of the words are in the original languages of the document.

2.1. Search by AUTHOR

Introduce the surname followed by , and the initial of the name.
E.g. : Peynaud, E.

But if you don't know the initial of the name you can use this symbol: $
E.g. : Peynaud$

2.2. Search by TITLE

You can search by article's title and journal's name.

2.3. Truncation

Truncation is available in Key Word search. The truncation symbol is the dollar ($), used at the end of words to
replace any number of letters.
E.g. :
     (retrieves fenol, fenolic, fenologic, etc.)


To make an advanced search you can use booleans operators (AND, OR, ^). Circumflex is equivalent to NOT operator in others databases.


E.g. : we want the Reglament of the Place of Origen Cava

     cava and  reglament      or     cava*reglament


E.g. : we want to find articles about cava but not about champagne

     cava^xampany ( in this case we can't use NOT)


E.g. we want articles about cava or champagne

     cava or xampany      or       cava+xampany

Also you can do advanced searches to combine more than two words like this:

     (cava or xampany)and consum

    It will find us documents about the consumption of cava and xampany.

This database is produced by the Enology library of the Faculty of Enology, so that all references included in it are available in the Enology library.  To ask for a copy connect to the  Document Finding Service.

Go back to the search screen

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