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Proteines animals

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Registres trobats: 2

Títol Comparative study of vegetable and animal proteins used as fining agents
Dades Font Slovakia Viticulture and Viniculture Congress Proceedings - June 2002 - V: Section 2: Oenology. Scientific and practical aspects of wine quality- N: , Pg: cd-rom
Descriptors Proteines vegetals Proteines animals
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON (Cd-rom)

Títol Residue analysis and effects of 17 alfa-methyltestosterone on body composition of rainbow trout, oncorhynchus mykiss
Autor GULLU, K.   GUZEL, S.   EKICI, K.   [et al.]  
Dades Font Italian journal of food science ISSN: 1120-1770 - 2007 - V: XIX- N: 3, Pg: 357-362
Descriptors Dieta Nutricio Carn Regulacio hormonal Proteines Proteines animals