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Registres trobats: 3

Títol General trends in wine distribution and appropiate wine producers strategies in Italy and other old wine regions
Autor POMARICI, E.  
Dades Font OIV Australia congress proceedings 26th world congress & 81st general assembly of the Office International de la vigne et du vin - October 2001 - V: Section vitivinicultural economy: addressing marketing issues from production to consumption- N: Economic analysis, Pg: 47-54
Descriptors Distribuidors Vi Mercat Italia Estrategies de mercat
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON

Títol Investigation of preferences and needs of wine consumers: on evaluationof the state of the art and of the available promising tools
Dades Font Slovakia Viticulture and Viniculture Congress Proceedings - June 2002 - V: Section 3: Vine and wine economy- N: , Pg: cd-rom
Descriptors Consumidor Preferencies Necessitats Vi Consum
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON (Cd-rom)

Títol Tools to improve the effectiveness of segmentation in wine making
Autor POMARICI, E.  
Dades Font XXVeme Congres Mondial de la Vigne et du Vin - Juin 2000 - V: 3- N: , Pg: 187-194
Descriptors Millora Segmentacio Vinificacio Efectivitat
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON