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Registres trobats: 2

Títol The impact of potassium nutrition on the fertility and quality of the white sovignon grapes sort in young planted grapes
Autor MARKOVIC, N.  
Dades Font Slovakia Viticulture and Viniculture Congress Proceedings - June 2002 - V: Posters I. Viticulture. Viticulture of the future and world demand- N: , Pg: cd-rom
Descriptors Potassi Nutricio Fertilitat Qualitat del vi Vi blanc
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON (Cd-rom)

Títol The influence of rootstocks on the agrobiological characteristics of the cabernet sauvignon
Autor MARKOVIC, N.  
Dades Font Slovakia Viticulture and Viniculture Congress Proceedings - June 2002 - V: Posters I. Viticulture. Viticulture of the future and world demand- N: , Pg: cd-rom
Descriptors Portaempelt Caracteristiques agrobiologiques Cabernet sauvignon
Localització 634.8:663.2 CON (Cd-rom)