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GUNATA, Y.Z. et al.

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Registres trobats: 2

Títol Stability of Free and Bound Fractions of Some Aroma Components of Grapes cv. Muscat During the Wine Processing: Preliminary Results
Autor GUNATA, Y.Z. et al.  
Dades Font American Journal of Enology and Viticulture ISSN: 0002-9254 - 1986 - V: 37- N: 2, Pg: 112-114
Descriptors Estabilitat Aroma Components Raim Muscat Vinificacio
Localització C 20/11

Títol The Aroma of Grapes. Localisation and Evolution of Free and Bound Fractions of Some Grape Aroma Components c.v. Muscat During first Development and Maturation
Autor GUNATA, Y.Z. et al.  
Dades Font Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture ISSN: 0022-5142 - 1985 - V: - N: 36, Pg: 857-862
Descriptors Raim Aroma Evolucio Muscat Maduracio
Localització C 19/73